Section: New Results

Complex fluids

Participant : Sébastien Boyaval.

The aim of the research performed in the project-team about complex fluids is to guide the mathematical modelling of gravity flows with a free-surface for application to the hydraulic engineering context, and to account for non-Newtonian rheologies in particular (like in mudflows for instance). On the one hand, thin-layer (reduced) models have long been favored, and one current trend aims at incorporating non-Newtonian effects [10]. This has stimulated some research about a new hyperbolic PDE system [35]. On the other hand, there is currently a strong need to perform full 3D numerical simulations using new non-Newtonian models in complex geometries with a view to comparing them with physical observations ; this is an ongoing work, in the framework of the ANR project SEDIFLO with E. Audusse (Paris 13), A. Caboussat (Genève), A. Lemaitre (ENPC), M.Parisot (Inria).